Interview image
April 12, 2016

Frank DeMarco

Imagine Yourself Well: Visualization to Improve Your Health and Your Life

PART 1  |  PART 2 >>

S y n o p s i s

Tonight's interview offers simple, free, effective techniques to improve your health and your life. It will show you how to live without fear, knowing that you are not helpless before accident, and disease, and injury. But more than that, it moves into issues beyond health, because all parts of life are connected, no matter how it may appear. Correct internal imbalances and you will see external circumstances change. There are four key parts:

-Thinking Differently, because for you to change your health, you must be able to envision new possibilities. To do that, you need a reason to change what you believe.

-Taking Charge provides the framework and techniques you need to go from being a passive observer of your health to an active creator and shaper of patterns.

-Living Right broadens the application of framework and techniques, because your life is about more than health alone.

-What Can Be Done offers insights and suggestions as to what's really going on with our health and with our lives. Above all, it offers encouragement, and wraps up the how of imagining yourself well. It is true, what is promised here: You can do this.

B i o

Frank De Marco is a prolific author with a body of work that spans eight books. These writings are the culmination of 25 years of deep psychic exploration. Some of his notable works include "The Cosmic Internet," "Afterlife Conversations with Hemingway," and "The Sphere and the Hologram."

Since 2005, Frank De Marco has been actively involved in an ongoing series of profound conversations. These dialogues transcend the physical realm, involving interactions with various non-physical entities. Among these entities are historical figures, aspects of personal guidance from what might be considered "past lives," and a broader collective known as "the guys upstairs."

Frank De Marco's work delves into the realms beyond the ordinary, offering unique insights and perspectives that challenge conventional understanding.

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